EV Info


所有的电动汽车都有一个可充电的高压电池,为电动机提供动力. 然而,三种电动汽车设计——混合动力、插电式混合动力和全电动——存在一些关键差异. Here's what sets them apart:

Ford Explorer Hybrid


Battery + Gas Icons
  • 汽油发动机和电动机一起工作来驱动汽车
  • 混合动力汽车不需要插电——高压电池在汽油发动机运行时充电,还使用再生制动来捕获刹车所使用的能量
Ford Escape PHEV


Battery + Gas +Plug Icons
  • To recharge the high-voltage battery, drivers plug the vehicle into a wall outlet or charging station
  • 拥有比混合动力汽车更高的电池容量,并且可以在电池供电的情况下行驶更远
  • Operates like a hybrid when the battery is depleted
Ford Mustang Mach-E


Battery + Plug Icons
  • 电动马达完全靠电池供电,没有汽油发动机
  • 当插入墙壁插座或充电站时,高电压,高容量电池充电

What are some of the benefits of all electric vehicles?

All-electric vehicles:

  • 有几乎立即的扭矩,所以踩油门提供立即响应
  • Are cleaner for the environment with no tailpipe emissions
  • Do not require oil changes
  • 通常需要比内燃机车辆更少的定期维护
  • May create less noise than internal combustion engines
  • 由于在家里充电而节省的费用是否更便宜
  • 是否与内燃机车辆一样接受严格的安全测试

Is an EV eligible for tax rebates or government incentives?

激励总是在变化的,所以最好在需要的时候做研究. Go to http://afdc.energy.gov and select the LAWS & INCENTIVES tab.

  • 点击“联邦”按钮,然后点击标题为“合格的插电式电动汽车(PEV)税收抵免”的链接,查看当前的抵免和激励措施
  • Navigate back to the "State" button and select your state. Check for both State Incentives and Utility/Private Incentives. An incentive search function may also be found on the Ford.com website.

福特野马E型纯电动汽车(BEV)有资格获得最高7美元的联邦所得税抵免,500. For more information on the federal tax credit, go to the DOE site or the EPA website at fueleconomy.gov to check availability.

What equipment is needed to charge an EV?

It depends on the type of EV in question:

  • A Mild or Full Hybrid cannot be charged. No extra equipment is needed
  • A PHEV (Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle) requires:
    • A charging cord — usually supplied by the manufacturer
    • 1级(120伏)或2级(240伏)容量的墙壁电源插座
    • 可选的壁挂式充电单元,提供240伏充电容量
  • An All-Electric (BEV) requires:
    • A charging cord — usually supplied by the manufacturer
    • An electrical wall outlet (240 volt suggested)
    • A recommended wall-mounted charging unit (240 volt)

请参阅eSourceBook中的车辆部分,了解福特提供的充电设备的详细信息, 以及哪些设备可能需要额外购买和安装.

How much will it cost to fully charge an EV?

The cost to fully charge an EV depends upon a number of factors:

  • The capacity (size) of the vehicle's high-voltage battery
  • The utility company's charge per kilowatt hour
  • The public charging company's price per kilowatt hour
  • 所使用的充电方法的电压和安培数(这会影响实现完全充电所需的时间)

Example: the national average residential electricity rate is $0.13 per kilowatt hour.(1)将你所需要的千瓦时乘以每千瓦时的电费来确定大概的成本. A 75 kWh battery pack multiplied by 13¢ per hour equals $9.75 for a full charge, using a home charger. Your charges may vary.

How long does it take to charge an EV?

充电时间以“每小时充电英里数”或在一段时间内充电的百分比来衡量. 所需的总时间取决于充电源的安培数和电池组的大小. Using the 2021 Ford Mustang Mach E as an example:

  • The Ford Mobile Charger charging cord plugged into a common Level 1, 120伏的住宅墙壁插座每小时只能提供3英里的充电
  • 福特移动充电器插入240伏的墙壁插座,平均每小时充电可达22英里
  • A Level 2, 240 volt Ford Connected Charge Station, hardwired into a residence, provides up to 32 miles of charge per hour
  • 一个3级直流快速充电站(公共充电)可以在短短10分钟内提供长达47英里的充电

How does a driver find public charging stations?

全电动汽车车主可以使用FordPass应用程序的“为我的旅行充电”功能来查找任何充电站. 插电式混合动力车的车主可以使用MyFord Mobile或FordPass搜索充电站. 全电动和插电式混合动力车的司机也可以使用车载导航系统, searching in "Points of Interest" or "Nearby Chargers."

How does a driver pay for public charging?

福特全电动汽车的司机可以用智能手机支付公共充电费用, using a credit card that's linked to the FordPass app, 只要他们使用的充电站是FordPass充电网络的一部分. For PHEV and All-Electric drivers using out-of-network charging stations, both RFID ("chip") cards and credit card payment are usually accepted. (这可能需要收费公司下载额外的应用程序,并添加一种支付方式.)


If a Ford all-electric EV runs out of charge on the road, what kind of help is available to the driver?

In the event that a Ford All-Electric vehicle runs out of charge, Roadside Assistance can be summoned using the FordPass app. 然后,司机可以决定将车辆免费拖到半径35英里内的三个地点之一:

  • To their home
  • To the nearest public charger
  • To an EV Certified Ford Dealership
    Complimentary for up to 5 years/60,000 miles, whichever comes first, through the Electric Vehicle Roadside Assistance Program. Additional benefits apply in certain situations. See owner's manual for details.

How can a driver enhance the range they get with their EV?


  • 在车辆仍插电时对其进行预热(预热或预冷却机舱), saving battery power for the upcoming drive. You can even schedule times using the FordPass app
  • 除去车辆上的雪或冰,这会增加额外的重量并增加空气阻力
  • While driving, 使用加热配件,如加热方向盘或加热座椅,比传统的气候控制系统更节能,以加热整个机舱(在极端条件下)。
  • Practice battery-saving driving, including:
    • Maintain constant speed: Accelerate and brake slowly. Use cruise control when appropriate. Minimize stop-and-go driving
    • 制动缓稳:充分利用再生制动为高压电池充电. Anticipate stops and, when traffic conditions permit, apply smooth braking throughout the entire stop
    • Park smart: Park in the shade when it’s over 80° F. Use a protected area like a garage when it’s under 50° F

1Source: eia.gov. Actual price will vary, be sure to check for your local utility rates.
2在电动汽车路边援助计划中,免费提供长达5年/60,000英里. Whichever comes first. See dealer for details.

The Joy of Driving ... an EV

There’s a myth that electric vehicles are built strictly for efficiency, 但野马Mach E证明,这款车是准备炫耀其野马性能遗产, too. The all-new, all-electric 2021 Mustang Mach E lives up to its classic, fun-to-drive roots by offering nearly instant torque, 再加上一个全轮驱动选项,两个车轴都装有电动机和一个Max. 634 lb. ft. of torque(3) with the GT Performance Edition.

Going the Distance

Mustang Mach E customers have a variety of options, 取决于标准范围(SR)或扩展范围(ER)电池和传动系统的选择, 当他们考虑到环保局估计的电动汽车续航里程时:


  • SR RWD EPA-est. range: 230 miles(9)
  • SR eAWD EPA-est. range: 211 miles(9)

California Route 1

  • ER RWD EPA-est. range: 305 miles(9)


  • SR RWD EPA-est. range: 230 miles(9)
  • SR eAWD EPA-est. range: 211 miles(9)
  • ER RWD EPA-est. range: 300 miles(9)
  • ER eAWD EPA-est. range: 270 miles(9)

First Edition

  • ER eAWD EPA-est. range: 270 miles(9)


  • ER eAWD targeted range: 250 miles(9)
  • ER eAWD Performance Edition targeted range: 235 miles(9)

Roseau County Ford

406 5th Avenue SW
Roseau, MN 56751
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Tuesday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM - 6:00PM
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Saturday 8:00AM - 12:00PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:00AM - 5:00PM
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